
Dreams are important. Joseph had two dreams (Genesis 37). The dreams spoke of his future. Dreams should accompany confirmations from the Bible. I had a dream recently. In the dream, I was filling out an application to God about being an intercessor or prayer warrior....


I was in children’s church this past Sunday. My lesson was on the Sermon on the Mount. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addresses the nature and character of a disciple. A disciple is a follower of Jesus. To be a disciple, you must be a hearer and doer of the...

All at Once

Have you ever had a week where everything goes wrong? As the commercial on television says, “everything hurts.” So, I asked the Father in Jesus name to help me. He gave me the thought about a scripture in the Bible. It says in Psalms 2:4 that God laughed...


Have you ever argued with the Lord concerning yourself or a loved one. Abraham did concerning Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18 and 19). The Canaanite woman did concerning her daughter (Matthew 15;22-28) and I have. The Lord will always listen when you have a case and...

Acts of Kindness

As a Christian, I have made it a goal of mine to touch someone with an act of kindness everyday. It may be a smile, a compliment, or a treat but it works and it spreads. Also, I try to pray for someone in need everyday. Those small deeds come back to greet you when...


I just finished a book about Elijah the prophet. He was an ordinary man who did extraordinary acts. If Elijah could do these things then you and I can do the same. The key factors are having a relationship with the Lord and having child-like faith. I challenge you to...


I was reading a story to a group of children. The story was about the influence a grandmother had on her granddaughter. The granddaughter named Mollie had some flaws. The grandmother kept speaking positive words and believed in her. When faced with teasing from a...


Sometimes life is just plain hard. Sometimes God requires you to walk on a higher level than most believers. Sometimes God requires you to give a little more or pray a little more. It does not seem fair but God is fair. God required the widow woman (I Kings 17:10-24)...


About two weeks ago I broke my toe. Until I had broke my toe, I never thought about how important my toe was. I really appreciate my toes now. On a spiritual note, we need to appreciate the fact of being saved and having a permanent resting place in heaven. Just a...

Supernatural Love Connects

Do you ever think about the small supernatural things that God does on a daily basis. An example, I needed something at the store. The store was always out of it. I ask God to provide the item. I went to the store and the item was there hidden on the back of the...