The Lord is your Friend

The Lord is your Friend

My brother passed away in August from the virus. The Lord told me He would help me through it. Also, He said I could only see the pain. Then the Lord said I would be stronger, wiser and have more faith. I can say five months later that has happened…People say...
Extra Oil Part Two

Extra Oil Part Two

More than enough is building a relationship with the Lord daily. Talk to Him, read His Word and pray every day. Then when needed, you will have more than enough cause you have become like your Creator. We always become like who we spend time with.

Extra Oil

Remember the parable in the Bible about the 10 maidens(Matt 25). My pastor says a parable is a parallel between the natural and the spiritual. Five maidens had enough oil and five maidens had more than enough. Always reach for more than enough. By Marsha...

Walk by Faith

Walk by faith not by sight. Faith pleases God. If you shrink back, it hurts your soul. Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. Stay healthy and walk by faith.